About Us

Our Vision

Grace Driven Church is a Church Ministry. Our Vision is to equip believers with the knowledge of Christ to do the work of ministry. This is achieved in a loving, supportive, faith-filled, and powerful setting. We empower believers with the Word for them to be rooted in the faith , in order for them to be able preach and teach others.

Our Doctrine

The Grace Driven church is a Christ-driven Church. That is to say our doctrine is Centred on Christ. 
 1 Corinthians 3:11 – For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ
 Ephesians 2:20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.
 The Apostles of Christ laid a doctrinal framework for the body of Christ. Their doctrine was Christ Jesus and nothing else. Grace Driven Church follows the Apostolic doctrine.
Therefore, in Grace Driven Church we normally say CHRIST IS OUR MESSAGE. We preach Christ and nothing else.

Prophet Korsah Akore

Our Pastor

Prophet Korsah is the visionary and leader of Grace Driven Church

The Ministry of Prophet Korsah Akore is the reflection of God’s grace manifesting in man. He is a prophet who believes that the greatest sign of a genuine prophet is in his ability to teach the gospel of Grace without wavering. He also flows in the revelational gifts of the spirit; with tangible testimonies, healing, and signs and wonders accompanied his ministry. He is passionate for the lost and therefore necessitated his Outreach conference – Grace and Prophetic Conference which aims to reach and save the lost.
Prophet Korsah Akore studied Business Administration at Helsinki Business College and also has a Bachelor degree in theology and leadership from the Norwegian School of Theology and leadership. 
He is married to his beautiful wife Josephine and together they have Gracelyn as their daughter.